
A large dominating figure rises before you. Five of your men charge the new enemy, and they are crushed with one swipe of its fist. 一個強大壓倒性的人影在你面前現身,你手下的5位士兵對此新敵人突擊,而他輕輕揮了一次拳頭就打倒了他們。 Mephistopheles: I am freeee!!! Nowww... There will be nothing... to protect you... Cower before me as you meet... Your enddd! 曼菲斯特:我自由了!!!現在....沒有東西.....會來保護你.....在我的面前退縮害怕吧....你的死期到了! You continue to stumble back in awe from the infernal demon before you... The crash of his every stomp toward you rings your ears and resounds deeply in your soul. Your head begins to fill with horrid images. You begin to see people in pain, of people in deep suffering, of people burning... 在這深淵魔神的面前,你蹣蹣跚跚地一直後退,他每次靠近的腳跺聲都撞擊著你的耳朵、在你靈魂的深處響著、可怕的畫面在你腦海中充斥著,而你開始看到人們痛苦地、煎熬地被惡火燃燒著..... Then a soothing voice calls out to you. It begins to sound louder... 然後一個令人放心的聲音呼喚著你,漸漸地變的清晰.... Holy Avenger: Wield Me... 神聖復仇者:拿起我.... The dark images begin to fade... 黑暗的影像開始消失.... Holy Avenger: Wield Me... 神聖復仇者:拿起我.... You f...